Attention! MultiMode is still in development. Use it at your own risk.
MultiMode is shareware, not public domain nor freeware. If you use it, please register, so that I may continue to improve it and add additional modes and features.
Please take a few moments to read the documentation, so that you may more fully and easily use MultiMode.
If you have used previous versions of MultiMode, please at least quickly check the revision history section for details on the changes in this version which may affect you.
When you register and receive your license file, place it in the same directly as the application.
If you're a previous registered user (without a license file), you can upgrade for only $10. Please run the Register program, and select "MultiMode Upgrade" to register through the Kagi service. Alternately, you can send me a check, and include a valid email address, and I will email you your License file. If you do not send me a valid email address, I have no way to send you the file.
Chris Smolinski
P.S. I would like to add support for SSTV, but need someone to send me a tape or audio CD with recordings of the various SSTV modes, for testing purposes.